

[vahy-bruhnt] Show IPA
moving to and fro rapidly; vibrating.
vibrating so as to produce sound, as a string.
(of sounds) characterized by perceptible vibration; resonant; resounding.
pulsating with vigor and energy: the vibrant life of a large city.
vigorous; energetic; vital: a vibrant personality.
exciting; stimulating; lively: vibrant colors; a vibrant performance.
7.Phonetics. made with tonal vibration of the vocal cords; voiced.

All Cats are Grey

it always rains on my days off so i listen to this and paint my nails black and my face white and my walls pink

laundry loonies

jane hammond and you talk organs

today a young girl was looking at oil pastels
explaining that she had recently tried them at school.
whilst fingering a set of 36 holbiens
I asked her what she first drew;
"The Aurora Borealis".

Skate Witches

oh summer!

Flying Lotus - Sangria Spin Cycles

go blend something

green and crunchy

hung my laundry to dry over the curtain rails
made kale chips in the dehydrator

buttermilk tuesday friend

I make pancakes with banana eyes and strawberry smiles.
i think: i wish i had someone to cook breakfast for
i think: i wish i could be satisfied with that person being me
but even the smallest batch of pancakes makes enough for two.

three would be ideal.
you and you.

she keeps bees

a quaint introduction to bee hives many wonderful photos.

date with myself

I crawl into a flower-print dress,
paisley scarf and Navajo stockings,
paint symbols cross my cheeks and,
in the light of five candles,
 lie down on the floor and turn my gaze to the moon.
 I sip German Riesling
with strawberries and goat brie.
I ask her to cleanse me

All alone, never lonely

Lie down with a book on Unicorns

This piece is titled Mountains (A place I've never been too) by Eibatova Karina (Eika).
Check out more of her natural, connected and symbolic artwork here.