saskatchewan artist william pereduhoff

a female 
wearing a red dress and marsh mellow white angora sweater
  at a super secret party 
at a super secret location
is chugging crown royal out a two-six in the snow

hooligans are pissing yellow pictures onto the endless canvas

a giant skull
worn by a tiny body
upon an elevated stage
is making death noises into a microphone

a black chisel tip sharpie is giving out free tattoos
that say things like 
scabs and pretty kitty
and electric circus in there

black and white cigarettes crowd a waning box
somewhere a light burns out


two days later a woman is happily driving to retrieve
 a roll of film and black wool coat
from a warehouse on a camouflaged street

first taking a piss in the snow
she knocks upon the front door
silhouettes of men playing instruments
flicker in the windows to the left above her head

a young man with dark features dressed in a suit answers
and asks the woman if she'd like to come inside to warm up

she enters a smokey room
where an old man on a chair
and young woman leaned against a fridge
greet her like honey

the four talk crop circles
prequels and sequels
the godfathers bucket list
swinger parties and tom cruise

the band plays 
neil young and simon and garfunkel covers,

the band finishes playing 
and the woman says she best be off

with an invitation to a party
on the 1st day of the new year

what kinda party?

oh, you know, 

ted wesselman

Star Anise

Here is a good article to start your herbal new year right.

   Fennel yields both a herb and a spice. All plant parts are edible: roots, stalks and leaves, with the spice coming from the dried seeds. A native to the Mediterranean, Fennel is an ancient and common plant known to the ancient Greeks and spread throughout Europe by Imperial Rome. It is also grown in India, the Orient, Australia, South America and has become naturalized in the US. It has been called the “meeting’ seed” by the Puritans who would chew it during their long church services. The name derives from the Latin foeniculum, meaning “little hay”.

Spice Description

Fennel seeds split into two, one sometimes remaining on the stalk. They are 4 -8 mm (1/8 - 5/16 in) long, thin and curved, with colour varying from brown to light green (the green being superior).
Bouquet: warm, sweet and aromatic
Flavour: similar to a mild anise


Attributed Medicinal Properties

  In the first century, Pliny noted that after snakes had shed their skins, they ate fennel to restore their sight. It has since been used as a wash for eyestrain and irritations. Chinese and Hindus used it as a snake bite remedy. It is carminative, a weak diuretic and mild stimulant. The oil is added to purgative medication to prevent intestinal colic. Fennel was once used to stimulate lactation. It allays hunger and was thought to be a cure for obesity in Renaissance Europe. It should not be used in high dosages as it causes muscular spasms and hallucinations.

The major constituents of Fennel, which include the terpenoid anethole, are found in the volatile oil. Anethole and other terpenoids inhibit spasms in smooth muscles, such as those in the intestinal tract, and this is thought to contribute to fennel’s use as a carminative (gas-relieving and gastrointestinal tract cramp-relieving agent). Related compounds to anethole may have mild estrogenic actions, although this has not been proven in humans. Fennel is also thought to possess diuretic (increase in urine production), choleretic (increase in production of bile), pain-reducing, fever-reducing, and anti-microbial actions. The seeds are used as a flavoring agent in many herbal medicines, and to help disperse flatulence. The seeds, and roots, also help to open obstructions of the liver, spleen & gall bladder, and to ease painful swellings, in addition to helping with yellow jaundice, the gout and occasional cramps.

The Ventures - Diamond Head (1965)

minus the screaming girls
see you in a higher vibration
good morning
lemon cake
last day

cotton meridian
(((meridians meridians)))

 the bare streets
 looking so

(((thoughts resinate on VltavĂ­n)))

marma talk over light fare
5th dimensional
city of Telos
tell me more 
earth chakras
leys lines 
russian kirlian photography of the 70's


carbon 60 molecule is a is a miniature version of the earth grid.


the house is a cold claw-foot
tub filling
(a tea kettle hissing)

a book on terrariums,
in the white tub with
white curtains drawn behind
white curtains rods while
white computer crafts
soft coo's cross this
      geometrical spectacle

(a face
in and out of
piping hot steamy

and then It occurs in monochromatic
helvetica font vision:::

                         redder = whiteetihw = blackkcalb

and each philosopher drops their head
on the floor--    scattered puzzles
amidst untied shoe laces

and reaching for a stack of paper to go with this pen
you curse your cursive
or the typewritten lack of

Jack 'Lemon Heart' Windell

A well-dressed young woman
holding a fuji instax camera
in the dead center of december
walks swiftly down government street
gazing towards the architecture in the distance.

A well-dressed middle man 
standing in front of a used car sales lot
on government street holding a granny smith apple
tells the young passing lady she looks nice
in Spanish.

She stops, 
He tosses her the apple.

She hands it back, says she would rather a photograph of it.

He tells her its his birthday, pulling out his id.
She looks- Jack Windell born 12/13/1960.

You smell as though you've had a few birthday drinks.

Ofcourse, he replies, sneaking her a peak at 
the mickey of lemon-heart rum in his long, 
wool dress-coats breast pocket, 
it's my fiftieth birthday!

Jacks teeth are tobacco colored.
The lines of character on his forehead 
raise and contract
as if khapalbhati breathing.

He is from Drumheller where:
"The men are men and 
the women are too,
kenya' dig?"

Eventually, whilst explaining the dynamics of 19th
century architecture to the young woman, 
Jack caught up with some old friends of his
who appeared to have some serious business to conduct with him

Did they ever.


strangers with apples are strange apples.


turn over into morning
all peach beneath 
white beneath slouching
top displaced underwear

wrap tight round body
shadow rounding corner

lace leather boots-
first the left foot
then the right

grab doc's,
do the same


arm branch tall-
tall above heads-
huddled holding umbrella

Rain is food for everything.

Diana serves breakfast at Paul's. 
dose huevos pan hong kong hash cafe.
blueberry pie, a la mode. 

We talk Paul's.

(the first 35 seconds of this video over and over)
 and over and

inspire attire

Designs by WON HUNDRED.
Danish designer Nikolaj Neilsen does it right. Silhouette city.


a female with full arms and fur head
wheels china in a red basket round thrift shop
wearing the white lace collared top she tried on
next to red vest staff

a book on terrariums and frank llyods architecture.
hot bathbeams


Thank You, Osbourne FX.
The Shaggs are almost as good as a walking stick.